
Patricia DORVAL
Patricia Dorval is lecturer and a member of the Institute for Research on the Renaissance, the Neo-classical Age and the Enlightenment (IRCL), Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier, France.
Her research encompasses English Renaissance, Rhetoric and Cinema. Her PhD dissertation (Rhétorique et représentation: Les figures de l’absence et l’imaginaire shakespearien (1994)) focuses on a semiotic analysis of Shakespeare film adaptations, centering on the issue of vision in its negativity. It examines tropes — metaphor, simile, metonymy, metalepsis, synecdoche, synesthesia, shading-off, etc. — which all substitute one signifier for another, and develops a rhetoric of absence calling for a hermeneutical deciphering of signs.
She has contributed scholarly papers both in France and internationally, and published articles on the rhetoric of negation in Shakespeare films.
She is currently website manager for the research program "Shakespeare on Screen in Francophonia", which she is co-chairing with Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin.
1/ Shakespeare on screen
"Macbeth in André Barsacq’s 1952 Crimson Curtain: Mise en Abyme and Transgression of the Metadramatic Threshold." Shakespeare 450 Conference proceedings of seminar n°15 on “Shakespeare in French Film / France in Shakespearean Film.” Paris: 21-27 April 2014. Ed. Melissa Croteau. General eds. Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin and Patricia Dorval. Montpellier (France), University Montpellier III, Institut de Recherche sur la Renaissance, l’Âge Classique et les Lumières (IRCL): 2016.
- "Macbeth et Le Rideau rouge d'André Barsacq (1952): des figures d'enchâssement à la mise en abyme." Ed. Patricia Dorval & Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin. Shakespeare on Screen in Francophonia. Montpellier (France), University Montpellier III, Institut de Recherche sur la Renaissance, l’Âge Classique et les Lumières (IRCL): 2014.
“Macbeth in André Barsacq’s Le Rideau rouge (1952): Mise-en-Abyme and Acoustic Porousness,” in Shakespeare on Screen: Macbeth. Ed. Sarah Hatchuel, Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin & Victoria Bladen. Publications des Universités de Rouen et du Havre, 2014. 379-396.
- "Macbeth et Le Rideau rouge d'André Barsacq (1952): Phénomènes de porosité sonore." Ed. Patricia Dorval & Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin. Shakespeare on Screen in Francophonia. Montpellier (France), University Montpellier III, Institut de Recherche sur la Renaissance, l’Âge Classique et les Lumières (IRCL): 2013.
- “Shakespeare on Screen: Threshold Aesthetics in Oliver Parker’s Othello.” Early Modern Literary Studies 6.1 (2000): 1.1-15 (with videoclips).
- “Othello: ‘A pageant to keep us in false gaze’ ou la part de l’invisible aperçu occultement.” Shakespeare et le cinéma. Proceedings of the French Shakespeare Society (Société Française Shakespeare) 1998 Conference. Ed. Patricia Dorval. Montpellier, France: Paul Valéry University, 1998: 105-14.
- Shakespeare et le cinéma. Proceedings of the French Shakespeare Society (Société Française Shakespeare) 1998 Conference. Ed. Patricia Dorval. Montpellier, France: Paul Valéry University, 1998 (212 pages). ISBN 2-84269-230-6.
- “Shakespeare on Video.” Cahiers Elisabéthains 53 (1998): 53-75.
- “Gazing Through the Peephole of Rhetoric: Shakespearean Trompe-l’œil Then and Now.” Cahiers Elisabéthains 51 (1997): 63-75.
- “Towards a Stylistics of the Modes of Ostension.” Theatre Research International 18.3 (1993): 206-14.
- “Playing on Things as Well as Words: Antanaclasis on Screen and Stage.” In collaboration with Jean-Marie Maguin. Cahiers Élisabéthains 42 (1992): 57-63.
- “La syllepse — du verbal au visuel.” Caliban 29 (1992): 5-19.
- “Les formes de l’ostension: écart - rapprochement - identité.” C.A.R.A. 12 (1992): 37-54.
- “Rhétorique et représentation.” In collaboration with Jean-Marie Maguin. Shakespeare: rhétoriques du texte et du spectacle. Proceedings of the Société Française Shakespeare 1991 Conference. Ed. Marie-Thérèse Jones-Davies. Paris, France: Les Belles Lettres, 1992: 9-20.
2/ Other publications
- Annotated edition of Thomas Heywood, Troia Britanica (1609), Canto VII. A Textual Companion to A Dictionary of Shakespeare's Classical Mythology. Ed. Yves Peyré. I.R.C.L., Université Montpellier III, 2013. Http:// (43 pages).
- Annotated edition of Thomas Heywood, Troia Britanica (1609), Canto V. A Textual Companion to A Dictionary of Shakespeare's Classical Mythology. Ed. Yves Peyré. I.R.C.L., Université Montpellier III, 2011. Http:// (41 pages).
- Shakespeare et ses contemporains. Proceedings of the French Shakespeare Society (Société Française Shakespeare) 2002 Conference. Ed. Patricia Dorval. Montpellier, France: Paul Valéry University, 2002 (252 pages). ISBN 2-84269-538-0.
- Shakespeare et le Moyen-Âge. Proceedings of the French Shakespeare Society (Société Française Shakespeare) 2001 Conference. Ed. Patricia Dorval. Montpellier, France: Paul Valéry University, 2002 (240 pages). ISBN 2-84269-530-5.
- Shakespeare et la France. Proceedings of the French Shakespeare Society (Société Française Shakespeare) 2000 Conference. Ed. Patricia Dorval. Montpellier, France: Paul Valéry University, 2000 (310 pages). ISBN 2-84269-407-4.
- Shakespeare et la voix. Proceedings of the French Shakespeare Society (Société Française Shakespeare) 1999 Conference. Montpellier, France: Université Paul Valéry, 1999 (234 pages). ISBN 2-84269-331-0.
- Shakespeare et le cinéma. Proceedings of the French Shakespeare Society (Société Française Shakespeare) 1998 Conference. Montpellier, France: Université Paul Valéry, 1998 (212 pages). ISBN 2-84269-230-6.
- “As You Like It: Phénoménologie du pli.” Shakespeare: As You Like It. Proceedings of the 1997 Toulouse Conference. Ed. Jean-Paul Debax & Yves Peyré. Toulouse (France): Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 1998: 161-75.
- Shakespeare: Comment le mal vient aux hommes. Proceedings of the French Shakespeare Society (Société Française Shakespeare) (s.f.s.) 1997 Conference. Ed. Patricia Dorval. Montpellier, France: Paul Valéry University, 1997 (240 pages). isbn 2-84269-044-3.
- “Mort de l’Allégorie dans Julius Cæsar: Le Sens sacrifié.” Shakespeare, Julius Cæsar. Texte et représentation. Proceedings of the 1994 Tours Conference. Ed. Michel Bitot. Tours (France): Université François Rabelais, 1995: 189-204.
- “Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593),” Patrimoine littéraire européen 7: Établissement des genres et retour du tragique (1515-1616). Ed. Jean-Claude Polet. Brussels: De Boeck-Université Editions, 1995. 657-69.
Contributions to Shakespeare on Screen in Francophonia
"Specularity in André Barsacq’s Crimson Curtain (1952)” (2024)
"Macbeth et Le Rideau rouge d'André Barsacq (1952): des figures d'enchâssement à la mise en abyme" (2014)
"Macbeth et Le Rideau rouge d'André Barsacq (1952): Phénomènes de porosité sonore" (2013)
- - Dir. André Cayatte (1949)
- - Dir. André Hunebelle (1957)
- - Dir. Luc Bondy (1988)
- - Dir. Éric Rohmer (1992)
- - Dir. Marcel Carné (1945)
- - Dir. Sacha Guitry (1936)
- - Dir. Andrzej Zulawski (1975)
- - Dir. Claude Chabrol (2006)
- - Dir. Max Ophuls (1955)
- - Dir. Jean-Paul Le Chanois (1964)
- - Dir. André Barsacq (1952)
- - Dir. Don Kent, Éric Ruf (2016)