Shakespeare on Screen in Francophonia Stylesheet


-    Shakespeare references must come from The Oxford Shakespeare: The Complete Works. Second edition. Ed. Stanley Wells, Gary Taylor, et al. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2005 [1986].

-    No double spaces

-    Play references: III.2.78-79

-    Line references: 79-80; 110-12; 236-37; 78ff.

-    Space before and after the slash (–)

-    Double quotation marks: "xxx"

-    Footnote reference after the punctuation mark. Ex. […] as Peter Happé notes, emphasizing "the life and ministry of Christ, especially in terms of Christ's role as a preacher." 3

-    Punctuation mark inside quotes. Same example. Even when just one word is in quotation marks. Ex. This, I would suggest, is the civility the Prologue seems to "miss." Use single quotation marks inside double quotation marks to indicate a quote within another quote.

-    Capital A in "Act I, scene 3"


Works cited (from the MLA style quick guide)

-    Williams, Katarzyna Kwapisz. Deforming Shakespeare: Investigations in Textuality and Digital Media. Torun, Poland: Grado, 2009.

Edited book:
-    Jackson, Russell, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Film. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
-    Schreibman, Susan, Ray Siemens and John Unsworth, eds. A Companion to Digital Humanities. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.

Translated book:
-    Zola, Emile. Doctor Pascal. Trans. Vladimir Kean. London: Elek Books, 1957.

Article or chapter in an edited book:
-    Bordo, Susan. “The Moral Content of Nabokov’s Lolita.” Aesthetic Subjects. Ed. Pamela R. Matthews and David McWhirter. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2003. 125-52.

Article in a journal:
-    Abeille, Anne, and Robert D. Borsley. "Comparative Correlatives and Parameters." Lingua 118.8 (2008): 1139-57.

Online journal article:
-    Austin, Linda M. "Emily Brontë's Homesickness." Victorian Studies 44.4 (2002): 573-96. Project Muse.Web. 5 Nov. 2006.
-   Beauvais, Jennifer. "Domesticity and the Female Demon in Charlotte Dacre's Zofloya and Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights." Romanticism on the Net: An Electronic Journal Devoted to Romantic Studies 44 (2006): n. pag. Web. 16 Feb. 2007.

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