Welcome to Shakespeare on Screen in Francophonia


Impulsed by the IRCL since 2008, the "Shakespeare on Screen in Francophonia" program stems from a wider study initiated in Italy by Mariangela Tempera on Shakespeare on European screens.

The team of Montpellier researchers, in partnership with international scholars, is working at referencing and analyzing Shakespeare adaptations and allusions on cinema and television screens in French-speaking countries. Although the films currently under study have mostly been produced in France, the program also aims to cover films from other French-speaking countries in the medium to long term.

While adaptations are easily identifiable and fairly limited, allusions are more complex. Explicit or implicit, verbal or visual, cursory or pregnant with meaning, allusion has a protean nature, and referencing is a fathomless task. Besides a long exploratory work, it requires the forging of critical tools adapted to the establishment of a typology of intertextual allusions.

The website provides detailed film data, circumstantial descriptions and extensive analyses, focusing on a single work, explored from one or more angles, or inviting the reader to peregrinate across several films by a given author.

It addresses the international research community and film enthusiasts and displays several access modes such as browsing allowing the visitor to pick his way through the database from either a list of Shakespeare plays or film titles, or simple or cross-database searching by play, film title, film director, etc. to meet more specific needs.

Several annual seminars and one-day conferences contribute to the impetus of the project, stimulating reflection on methodology, helping feed the database and the publication section containing articles by international scholars.

This project led by the Institute for Research on the Renaissance, the Neo-classical Age and the Enlightenment (IRCL) is funded by the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and University Montpellier 3.

On your first visit, we suggest you begin with How to use and cite.

Submissions of reviews and articles should be sent to patricia.dorval@univ-montp3.fr and nathalie.vienne-guerrin@univ-montp3.fr.

All feedback is most welcome. Do not hesitate to contact us for questions or suggestions.



General Editors: Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin & Patricia Dorval

Institution: IRCL, Paul-Valéry/Montpellier 3 University, France

The Shakscreen Collection: ISSN 2781-4599

The Shakscreen Database: ISSN 2781-467X

Editorial Board:

François Amy de la Bretèque, University Montpellier III, RIRRA 21, France

Victoria Bladen, University of Queensland, Australia

Clara Calvo, University of Murcia, Spain

Patricia Dorval, University Montpellier III, IRCL, France

Jennifer Drouin, McGill University, Canada

Sarah Hatchuel, University of Le Havre, GRIC, France

Tony Howard, University of Warwick, G.-B.

Alexa Huang, George Washington University, Washington D.C., U.S.A.

Douglas M. Lanier, University of New Hampshire, U.S.A.

Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin, University Montpellier III, IRCL, France

Editorial policy

Webmaster: Patricia Dorval


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